President's Day - Sunday 11th July 2021
11th July 2021Message from Club President Clive Rolt
Botany Bay Cricket Club President’s day – Sunday 11 July
Firstly, I am delighted to be the club President in this the 121st year of the club. Whilst I cannot claim to have been a member for all of these years I have been a member dating back to 1975 when I joined as a colt and am still turning out on the cricket pitch all these years later. I have also been the formal (or informal) club Treasurer for many of these years.
I detail below the draft arrangements for Presidents’ Day. This is an important occasion for our club as this is the first opportunity to mix across the club as we exit from the pandemic and I am encouraging as many members, ex members and guests to come along for all, or part of, the day. The day will be fully complaint with government legislation, which therefore may be subject to change! Please refer to the club website for the most up to date details.
The focus is very much on an outdoors occasion and the will be having a ‘quality’ BBQ starting at approx. 2pm, which will provide the primary sustenance for the day. There will also be an afternoon tea available later in the day. Given it is an outdoors occasion it would be very helpful if you could bring any outdoor seating with you in case the club does not have enough chairs!
The bar will be open from 12.00 Midday and teas and coffees will be available throughout the day
The entertainment will be provided by the cricket, Petanque and MG Owners section (rugby section tbc), and a draft running order is detailed at the bottom of this mail. My President’s cricket team comprises of many prominent ex playing club members who will hopefully contribute to an entertaining afternoon’s cricket! The cricket game should finish approx. 18.00 and the club bar will be open in the evening to and will be showing the Euro 2020/1 final!
The BBQ lunch will be priced very reasonably (although I am awaiting costings) and I would be grateful if you would respond to me – if you wish to purchase the BBQ lunch so that I can get an idea of numbers. I will confirm the price in the very near future.
I look forward to meeting you on the day.
Clive (Rolt)
Botany Bay President
Draft schedule of events
• Petanque
• Colts cricket
• MG Owners pageant
• Bacon and sausage rolls pre cricket game
• BBQ lunch (commencing 2pm)
• Cricket President’s X1 v Chairman X1 40 over match
• Afternoon tea
• MG Owners pageant